Flint on the Rise

Positive, Uplifting News About the City I Love…Flint, Michigan!

Special on LinkedIn Rewrites…Good till Monday at Noon!

on April 13, 2012

I’d like to do something special for my followers, connections and friends who are currently unemployed. Until Monday at noon EST, I’ll offer LinkedIn profile rewrites for just $20! What is a profile rewrite and why do you need one if you’re job searching? Recruiters–those who will be looking at your resumes and calling you in for interviews–find candidates on LinkedIn…so that’s where you should be!

I ask only two things:

  1. You have $20, OR the equivalent in barter. So, let’s say that you don’t have $20, (because you don’t have a job). What you might be able to do is do something for me–wash clothes, mop floors, mow the lawn, etc. Having a person to do those things helps me a lot…sometimes more than money! and,
  2. That if you get a job from a rewrite I do for you, that you write me a recommendation on LinkedIn. That helps me to get more clients.

Fair enough? Great! Give me a call at 810-309-5251. Leave me a message with your name and phone number saying that you want help from me, and I’ll call you back to set up a meeting next week.

Hope this helps lots of folks!

FaLessia Camille

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